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11th International Symposium on Computational Challenges and Tools for Nanotubes

Chief OrganizerSusumu Saito (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Local Organizer Florian Libisch (TU Wien, Austria)


Keynote Speaker


Invited Speakers



This satellite symposium of the NT16 conference focuses on quantitative understanding and theoretical predictions of unique physical properties of nanotube systems and related atomic-layer materials using advanced computational approaches. Quantitative understanding of electronic properties of nanotubes is of essential importance for their future device applications, and theoretical predictions have guided many experimental research activities in this fruitful field for a quarter century ever since the discovery of carbon nanotubes. We will highlight the computational challenges in modeling these systems and discuss new tools to master these challenges. We intend to feature significant advances in theoretical understanding and in computational approaches and algorithms capable of tackling these challenges.

NT16 Organizing Committee | Boltzmanngasse 5 | 1090 Vienna | Contact us